Plan Your Visit

Where do I go? Where do my kids go and will they be safe? What will the worship service be like? What will people be wearing? Will it be weird?

To answer some of these questions before you arrive, here’s what you can expect

When & Where?

Sundays at 10 am & 1:30 pm
Wednesdays at 6:30 pm

The Edgewood church of Christ
4102 Macon Road
Columbus, GA 31907

What to expect

We are a multi-ethnic, multi-generational, loving church family that believes our gathering times should be about worshipping God, reading scripture, enjoying the company of one another, and welcoming our guests. You will notice that our worship is very simple and uncomplicated–just like we envision the worship of the first-century church. On Sundays we sing hymns, listen to the Bible being explained, take communion (Lord’s Supper), pray, and give to the church. Our Bible class lasts about 45 minutes, and our worship service usually lasts about an hour.

Is there a dress code?

No. On Sundays, you may notice a broad spectrum of attire, from jeans & polos to suits & ties. It seems most people dress business casual. Above all, however, we want to meet you, regardless of what you’re wearing. Come as you are and you’ll fit right in.

What about my kids?

We have classes for all ages during the Bible class hour on Sundays and Wednesdays. We also have a nursery and cry room available with windows overlooking the auditorium and audio in the rooms for you and your little ones.

Will I be pressured to say anything, sign up for anything or be singled out in any way?

Nope. As our guest we want you to feel comfortable and in control of what you experience you want to have.

  • You won’t have to wear a name badge or be singled out in any way.
  • You don’t even have to sing along if you don’t feel comfortable.
  • You’re not expected to give when we receive the offering.

We have yellow cards in our pews you can fill out in case you have questions, need prayer or are interested in any of our events or resources. This card is only used to help us serve you better and keep you informed of events, activities or help you with any next steps you may want to explore. You will not be spammed. Scouts honor.

What if I’m not sure about Christianity or church? What if I have been away from the church for a long time?

Perfect. We believe that everyone should have a safe place to speak, learn, and enjoy before they have everything figured out and can have someone to them explore their faith at their own pace.

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