Sermons by “Ben Giselbach”

Barriers to God’s Grace

One thing that the story of Lazarus teaches us in Luke 16:27-31 is that even an undeniable miracle is not enough evidence to convince someone people to obey the gospel. What are some barriers that keep people from coming in contact with God’s saving grace? Study John 6:36-47 with us.

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The Monster of Sin

The Bible doesn’t exactly depict sin as a monster (unless you count the dragon in Revelation 12). But it does make use of other frightening metaphors to describe sin: slavery (John 8:24), darkness (Ephesians 5:8), etc. With descriptions like this, we desperately need salvation!

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Lessons from the Betrayal of Jesus by Judas

It was nothing short of a tragedy when Judas betrayed our Lord. But perhaps just as tragic is what Judas did when he realized his sin.

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Questions about the Gifts of the Holy Spirit

The Bible describes several different kinds of gifts of the Spirit: (1) leadership offices, (2) skills & talents, and (3) miraculous abilities. While we no longer have miraculous abilities and some of the leadership offices that the church in the 1st century had, some questions about these gifts remain. Let’s examine Ephesians 4:7-16 together.

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The Birth of Christ

Sunday AM Lesson. Take a moment to study the details surrounding the birth of our Lord and Savior in Luke 2:1-14.

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