Sermons by “Ben Giselbach”

A Time for Everything (Part 1)

Listen as Ben discusses how relevant Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 is for us today. 

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A Fresh Start

The first nine verses of Philippians 4 discuss six (6) topics which we can loosely call the “Christian attitudes.” If you want to make this year a great year – one that brings true happiness and contentment – take to heart the inspired words of Paul.

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January 2019 Question & Answer

1. What does the Bible say about the existence of “extra-terrestrial” beings? 2. Should we as Christians believe in luck? Fate? Karma? 3. How do we respond when a friend asks us to visit where they worship? How do we kindly tell them why we will not? 4. Is it appropriate for the Christian to be cremated?

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Take Off the Grave-clothes

When Lazarus walked out with his graveclothes on, Jesus said, “Unbind him, and let him go!” (v. 44). Take off the graveclothes! He was no longer dead, why be bound in the clothes of the dead? Take off the old and put on the new! This is Paul’s argument in Ephesians 4. We have been released from the slavery of sin; we are a new creation in Christ. Take off your graveclothes!

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The Best Things to Give Your Children This Christmas

Christmas is more than just the exchange of material stuff. Give your children what really matters. 

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Riddle: Who Am I?

The answer may surprise you.

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